People for People Foundation (P4P) is a collective of entrepreneurs joining forces to get as many people affected by the Russia-Ukraine war to safety. Here’s what happened last week
We are happy to announce that the outstanding social entrepreneur Marcella Simons has joined People for People Foundation!
Marcella has recently started her journey with People for People in the role of Foundation Director. Jesse van der Meulen has done a fantastic job, he built the whole organization and has shown impressive results. We will miss him a lot! Jesse is going back to run his businesses at Aimforthemoon, but will stay involved together with Pieter Jan van Krevel to support People for People in growing its impact.
Marcella is the perfect match to guide People for People Foundation in its next phase! She started Gula Vision 8 years ago, intending to donate adjustable eyewear to people without access to eye care, and after the projects they did in Myanmar and Madagascar and the past six years working at ABN AMRO Bank N.V. on innovation, she wanted to make a more significant impact. Her focus for the coming period is to build a long-term strategy for the foundation.
We are lucky to have you on board, Marcella, welcome!
Our second matchmaking event is done! 🚀
Last week, in collaboration with bunq we organized our second matchmaking event for people affected by the war who are looking for a job.
We received 47 sign-ups and 7 highly qualified talents were invited to the event at bunq HQ. Hopefully, some of them will become part of the bunq team soon!

100+ hospitality jobs for Ukrainians in The Netherlands
With People for People Foundation Jobs we have partnered up with multiple hospitality companies in The Netherlands looking for people to join their teams in different restaurants across the country: Ron Blaauw, Wagamama Mooie Boules and others. They all have an international, inclusive culture and are looking for different levels of experience and roles.
We already received 84 applications!
☑️Are you or do you know people who are affected by the war and are looking for a job in the hospitality sector?
☑️Our goal is to find them a great job with a trusted partner. You can apply here for one or more employers.
From Ukraine with art!
We have partnered up with U AID Foundation and The Student Hotel to organize the charity ART FAIR for Ukraine!
📍Where? The Student Hotel Amsterdam City.
💡What? ART FAIR, an event where you can experience contemporary art and attend different art workshops.
Art can unite and bring people closer. The Art Fair is planned to be a three-day event with the main auction, market and various Ukraine-allied artists’ workshops at TSH Amsterdam City. We will offer different art lots ranging from clothing pieces, pictures, and paintings to war trophies which are remade into usable art objects.
You can buy tickets here.

New volunteers at People for People
After a successful volunteer date, we have just onboarded 4 new team members to our team: Andrea Hak as a content creator, Irene de Bot as a partnership builder, and our new project managers Michelle Loh, Flavio Fonseca, and Viktor Lesyk.
We are really grateful to all of them for joining our efforts in supporting people affected by the war in Ukraine. In the upcoming weeks, other new volunteers will join us as well. Would you like to to explore the possibility of joining People for People as a volunteer? We would love to see you at our next virtual date, you can apply here.
Donations of laptops to OMWUA
Thanks to Guido Braam from Kirkman Company and Beroepsopleiding Advocaten & Dialogue for collecting and donating 12 laptops. The laptops will be spread among foundations that are helping Ukraine. 7 laptops have been donated to our partner On My Way Ukraine to help them in providing humanitarian aid and bringing people to safety.
The informal volunteer groups leading Ukraine’s aid effort
We want to share this great article by the Guardian on the importance and major impact of informal volunteer groups in supporting Ukraine.
This is also what we experience at People for People and our partner foundations of which most of them have been founded only 4 months ago at the start of the war. Thanks for all your great and important work: OMWUA, @Lifeline Ukraine, U Aid foundation, Movement on the Ground, FastlaneUkraine, Netherlands for Ukraine, Open Embassy, and all other small organizations making a big impact.
And thank you to all our partners for cooperation!
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