Collective action.

We are a collective of entrepreneurs who strive to support people of all nationalities in a crisis or conflict by taking action to meet essential needs and build humane and dignified living conditions.

We are committed to supporting those seeking safety and peace in any way we can, regardless of their background.

We vow to focus on what unites us, and not on what divides us.

We’ll abstain from passing judgment on anyone or anything.

Not just by talking, but also by doing.
Concrete actions that provide immediate help.


Deze noodwoning helpt inwoners van rampgebieden: ‘Een nieuw leven opbouwen, begint met een dak boven je hoofd’
Not everything in Ter Apel is ugly: “The help of volunteers is overwhelming”
Moments of happiness among the rubble of the earthquake: “The smile of the birthday boy is priceless”
Action helpt People for People met 35.000 artikelen
Vrachtwagens vol slaapspullen onderweg voor slachtoffers aardbeving Marokko

United impact.

Stichting People for People, founded in 2022 by the founders of bunq, Bird, and Picnic, is a collective of entrepreneurs committed to supporting people of all nationalities who are forced to flee their homes by providing essential needs and humanitarian aid.

With our combined efforts and assets, we support people currently not being supported by major organizations. Thanks to all our partners and the countless other people supporting people:

For individuals
Join the movement. Check out our open jobs or join as a volunteer! Powered by Recruitee.

For startups / scaleups / corporates
Make a real difference. Do what you do best to support people who need it most.

For foundations
Leverage the benefits of our entrepreneurial organization to increase your impact.