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Find out what happened behind the scenes at People for People this month as we undertook new projects to support people forced to flee their homes and inspired others to take action.

  • Ukraine’s hardest winter yet: How we’re taking action
  • People for People’s Martijn Beenen takes the stage at Vakdag Fondswerving
  • Representing People for People at the Dam tot Damloop
  • One year after the earthquake in Morocco: together, we can still make a difference
  • International Day of Peace: “All I want is a simple and safe life”
  • Every child deserves a medal
  • Warehouse update: Our impact this month!

Looking forward:

  • Continuing our winter aid for Ukraine
  • Winter warmth tour launching soon in NL
  • International crisis response in Lebanon 

Ukraine’s hardest winter yet: How we’re taking action

As Ukraine enters its third winter since the start of the war, the situation is more challenging than ever. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), more than two-thirds of the country’s power generation capacity has been destroyed, damaged, or occupied. This means that support will be critical as the months grow colder.

Together with our partner LifeLine Ukraine, we are stepping up to support displaced people and hospitals in critical need.

In September, we prepared and shipped a truck full of essential winter supplies, including 33 pallets of: 

🧥 Winter jackets, pants, thermal clothing

🧤 Gloves, winter boots, and more

In two weeks, we’ll be shipping another 33 pallets including hygiene products. Lifeline Ukraine works on an on-demand basis, distributing aid to 22 cities across Ukraine, including the Sumy, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions. 

The founder of Lifeline Ukraine, Jeroen Ketting, shared: “Currently, there are a relatively large number of displaced people in the Sumy region, so I expect a significant portion to go there. Additionally, refugee hostels in Koblevo (Mykolaiv region) and Zaporizhzhia (Zaporizhzhia region) are areas where not only refugees need clothing, but these are also distribution points for vulnerable populations in those cities. We also often distribute clothing in Kherson as well.”

If you or your company want to help bring warmth and relief this winter, reach out today to learn about partnership and volunteering opportunities. Every contribution counts in helping people forced to flee their homes through this incredibly difficult time. 

Offer your support as a business

Offer your support as a volunteer

People for People’s Martijn Beenen takes the stage at Vakdag Fondswerving

We’re thrilled to announce that People for People was invited to present at the Vakdag Fondsenwerving on Sept. 17th! Our Lead Partnerships Manager, Martijn Beenen, shared a presentation about our mission and the impact we’re making through powerful partnerships.

Over the past two years, we’ve supported 50,000+ people forced to flee their homes—thanks to the resources and expertise of 40+ partner organizations. 🤝

For example, after the 2023 earthquake in Morocco:

– A global business donated supplies and provided transport.

– A team at a multinational gathered data on where and what aid was needed most.

– Another company sold surplus furniture and donated the funds to support our cause.

No matter your industry, there’s always a way you can help others in need.⛑️

As Martijn explains: “My goal is to create long-term partnerships that enable swift, effective aid delivery—whether it’s through transportation, supplies, volunteers, or more. Achieving this would be a tremendous milestone for People for People.”

Reach out to Martijn to learn how your business can make an impact through in-kind contributions, ESG policy insights, and much more: 🌍

Representing People for People at the Dam tot Damloop

We were so proud to see our volunteers, partners and team cross the finish line together this month at the Dam tot Damloop! 💪🏽✨

The energy was electric as our growing community cheered each other on, picked each other up, and helped each person go beyond what they thought they could achieve. 🏃‍♀️💨 Moments like these remind us that together, there’s nothing we can’t achieve. 🙌🏽

This is what People for People is all about—supporting one another, every step of the way. ❤️

One year after the earthquake in Morocco: together, we can still make a difference

One year ago, a devastating earthquake struck the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, leaving villages in ruins. In seconds, lives were changed forever:

  • 660,000 people impacted
  • 59,000 homes damaged
  • 19,000 homes destroyed
  • 530 schools damaged leaving 100,000 children without education.

With your help, in October 2023 People for People delivered 36,498 emergency supplies to remote villages cut off from aid. Yet, the journey is far from over.

Thousands still live in tents and makeshift shelters. As winter approaches, families will face freezing temperatures, and children still lack access to schools.

We are now searching for a local transport partner so we can undertake a second mission to Morocco focused on building crisis shelters for families and as temporary schools. Please reach out to us if your business is ready to help make a difference. 

International Day of Peace: “All I want is a simple and safe life”

On International Day of Peace, we paused to reflect on the profound impact of war on countries, communities, and individuals around the globe.

Across the world, more than 110 armed conflicts force countless individuals to flee their homes. Seeking asylum becomes a desperate necessity when one can no longer live in the place people call home.

We witness these challenges firsthand through our aid efforts with unaccompanied minors. For the sake of these children and everyone enduring such unimaginable conditions, we wish for global peace.

At one of our Rolling Aid Events, we asked the kids to draw their dreams for the future. One boy wrote on his drawing: “All I want is a simple and safe life.”

It sounds so simple yet so far away for so many children who face life in a warzone.

A picture drawn by an unaccompanied minor saying "All I want is a simple and safe life"

Every child deserves a medal

For unaccompanied minors, the journey to safety is long and filled with hardships—leaving behind family, homes, and everything they knew in search of safety and peace, with no finish line or medals waiting at the end. 

We believe every child deserves recognition for their strength, courage, and resilience. This belief came to life at our last Rolling Aid Event at Amsterdam’s Olympic Stadium, where over 100 unaccompanied minors participated in sports, inspiring them to pursue their hopes and dreams.

When the children arrived, many were quiet, still carrying the weight of their past. But as they took part in races, archery, and hurdles, their cautious expressions turned into joy. For the first time in a long while, they weren’t just survivors—they were kids again, with dreams and hope.

At the end of the day, each child received a medal with the engraved text 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨—not just for competing, but for their 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦. These medals are more than trophies; they’re reminders that their strength matters and their journey deserves recognition.

“They were so excited and proud,” shared Muna Dahouk, judo champion on the Refugee Olympic Team and one of our proud ambassadors. “I believe it boosted their confidence and made them feel recognized.”

We want to send a special thanks to Champion Trophy Products for providing the medals. The smiles on the boys’ faces when they received their medals, a high five and their dances to the tunes of ‘’we are the champions’’ were priceless.

Read the full story on our website here.

Warehouse update: Our impact this month!

Over the past month, 32 amazing volunteers joined us in the warehouse to sort and pack essential items bound for Ukraine and various COA locations across the Netherlands.

Closer to home, we responded to requests from Haaksbergen and Duivendrecht for unaccompanied minors. These included essentials like hygiene products, shirts, socks, and also backpacks filled with supplies for 30 girls preparing for the new school year. 🎒

A heartwarming moment came when we crossed paths with some of these girls on their way to school. They were thrilled with their new purple backpacks! A huge thank you to our partners and volunteers for bringing smiles to their faces as they head back to the classroom. ❤️

Looking forward

  • Continuing our winter aid for Ukraine

Next month, we’ll be preparing another shipment of warm winter clothing for Ukraine. Thanks to the hard work of our dedicated warehouse volunteers, we’ll ensure that people have what they need to stay warm this winter. Sign up as an individual or as a team and make a difference! 

  • Winter warmth tour launching soon in NL

We will also begin collecting warm winter clothing for asylum seekers here in the Netherlands as we kick off our winter tour to COA locations across the country. Sinterklaas may even make an appearance or two. Stay tuned for more information!

  • International crisis response in Lebanon 

At People for People, we have been closely following the situation in Lebanon and are now consulting with local partners on what we can do to support people forced to flee their homes.