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As part of our month-long focus on education, we spoke with Fathya Artha Utami, Head of Program at Forward·Inc, about the organization’s programs for asylum seekers with a particular focus on their free Digital Entrepreneurship Programme which will soon be open for applications. Find out if this might be the opportunity for you:

Why do you recommend entrepreneurship to newcomers?

We recommend the entrepreneurial route because it’s such a low barrier to start with. The main resource you need is yourself. You need grit and an entrepreneurial “just do it” mindset. Then there’s creativity, networking, and confidence, which are all skills everyone can develop.

As a newcomer, there are a lot of barriers because they’re coming to a new country often with zero network. Sometimes jumping right into the job market is very challenging because there are certain requirements they need to meet, like whether their diplomas match or not with the Dutch academic system, or whether their Dutch language level is sufficient.

Through entrepreneurship, you can create your own opportunities, your own source of revenue, and even open up opportunities for other people.

How does Forward·Inc help participants in their program grow their network in the Netherlands?

Forward·Inc is a community-centric organization of entrepreneurs and talented professionals. We also involve a lot of volunteers including coaches, mentors, and trainers. So by joining Forward’s programs, participants are entering a community where there are hundreds of professionals and sources they can use to build and scale their business.

How can an applicant stand out?

The Digital Entrepreneurship Program aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs build and structure their business idea. It doesn’t matter whether you already have an idea or not. During the process, we will help you to develop an idea. You can also join if you want to learn about entrepreneurship to build up your CV and we’ll give you a project that you can work on throughout the program. The most important thing to be accepted is that you’re motivated and willing to learn.

We also have more advanced programs for participants at different stages of their entrepreneurial journey including the Forward Incubator, Growth Program, and Forward Accelerator.

Examples of successful businesses that went through Forward·Inc’s programs:

Daffee is now the leading date-based alternative coffee on the market: Sustainable Date Seed Coffee – The Caffeine-Free, Healthy Alternative

Subul is a particularly successful business for Forward·Inc because, through their job matching platform, they’re helping other newcomers find employment: Subul – Social Impact Outsourcing Agency.

Forward·Inc’s Investor Readiness Program is now open for applications!

This program is specifically designed for NL-based businesses seeking external capital and is ideal for advanced entrepreneurs who meet the following criteria:

  • A business that already has initial customers and revenue.
  • At least two team members are actively working on the company.
  • A founder in a full-time leadership role.
  • At least one founder from a forcibly displaced background.
  • A registered business in The Netherlands.

Find out more here and stay tuned for the Digital Entrepreneurship Program which will be opening up soon! Home – Forward·Inc